Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Happy Project Manager

The more time I spend in studying personal wellbeing, the more I understand that, for many, career success is influenced by an individual’s wellbeing. I want to qualify that since there are examples of those who are successful in one area of life while challenged in another (think career and personal relationships). There have been times in my own life when my career was going quite well while my personal life was, well, a mess. Creating a life that is balanced and successful in every dimension will increase the opportunities for success. There is a saying, the way we do one thing is the way we do everything. While a huge generalization, there are elements of truth in that statement. While we may be successful in career and be challenged in personal relationships, those challenges bleed into our work relationships and will, in the long run, show up and hold our careers back. Fundamentally, creating balance, increasing our personal wellbeing, and focusing inward will increase the likelihood for personal success in all domains.

What are these dimensions, areas, or domains? Well, the list could be quite extensive. In my research I discovered anywhere from 3 to 8 different areas. As I was considering my own personal search, my focus was largely on the physical aspects of wellbeing. As I continued to read, study, and be curious, I discovered that the dimensions (3 or 8) are intertwined and cannot be untangled. What I found is that focusing on one dimension without focusing on another slowed my personal progress in all areas. What that means is, focusing on work at the expense of our social wellbeing will, over time, cause issues for our work life. While there is some intuitive alignment to that logic, when it comes to making choices in the moment, if we haven’t taken the time to step back and determine our personal needs and desires for our lives and each dimension of our life, our choices may or may not align to what will be best for our personal wellbeing. Does that mean we have to plan out our lives and live an inflexible plan? Of course not. What it means is that our choices, whatever they are, are best made with awareness of what is important to us and those we surround ourselves with. Creating our personal wellbeing allows us to be aware, to show up, to be present, and to fully experience life. It doesn’t guarantee our decisions and choices will be exceptional, it means we are not making choices blindly.

You may be wondering what this has to do with project management. Leading by example is the best way possible to lead. If you are stepping into every day filled with possibility, so will your team. Your team is a direct reflection of who you are showing up as. If you show up slow, dull, unable to find the possibilities in situations, so will your team. If you show up like it matters, every day giving your best to every situation, so will your team. Your personal wellbeing is the biggest influence you will have on your team. Being unwell doesn’t support your project, not taking care of yourself personally will not support your team, and it is impossible to hide your way of being, by that I mean your fundamental attitude, from your colleagues. It matters how you show up.

Practicing personal wellbeing, finding balance and harmony in all aspects of your life, will increase your ability to deal with the daily circumstances of your life. Your overall wellbeing is dependent upon the health of your intellectual, physical, financial, career, social, spiritual, environmental, and emotional dimensions. Practicing habits that foster a balanced life will create opportunities in your life that will surprise you. It has surprised me. I think the biggest reward is, no matter the circumstances, I am filled with wonderment at the possibilities that life offers. Working with that kind of attitude rubs off on others and makes a difference in the workplace for everyone. Imagine if we all started our days filled with joy. What a world it would be. What are you practicing today?