Friday, November 29, 2019

Starting Over

It has been a very long time since I posted anything in this blog. I’d like this first to be brilliant, expansive, magnificent and what I think I know is it will speak to those who it speaks to and to those that read it and say horse hockey….well, they just aren’t ready to read from a place of curiosity yet.
Over the past 22 months I have embarked on a journey of learning. It wasn’t that I wasn’t learning before February 2018, it was that the learning was not deliberate and was focused on fixing what was wrong, solving problems, correcting what I thought needed correcting. What I’m discovering is an ease and grace that I’d not known before. An ease and grace with myself and everyone around me.
The beauty in finding ease and grace is that the work that I’m up to still gets done although much more joyfully and playfully. Truthfully, I was not looking for it, I did not seek it out, I did not go after finding ease and grace and joy. What is true for me is that it found me as I was learning many other things.
What does that do for my project management skills? More than I could have imagined. The problems are still being solved, the projects are being delivered, the work is getting done and the teams that I work with are closer, aligned, finding laughter in what doesn’t work and looks to what works and does more of it.
The posts that will follow will be about leadership, not from a doing perspective because it isn’t about what a leader does that really makes a difference to those that want to follow. It is about who a leader is, their ways of being, that really shifts what happens in the work place, at home, in communities and ultimately, the world.
Yes, we are measured by our accomplishments, the results we create in the world and what I’m proposing is that our results are due to how we are, who we are, what we stand for, not because of what we do. There are a multitude of sayings that represent what I’m talking about including Be, Do, Have and Dream, Declare, Deliver and Ready, Aim, Fire. We will be exploring the being portion of the equation. Are you Ready?