Sunday, November 29, 2020

Vision, Commitment, and Values

I am listening to Simon Sinek’s book Start with Why, published in 2009. He uses a phrase in the book, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” I wrote about vision last week and as I begin to reflect on 2020, I think vision has a prominent role in how the year turned out for many of us. Vision is impervious to the circumstances of our lives. Vision cannot be altered by circumstances and the influence of circumstances on everyone and everything around us. Vision is a powerful tool available to us and when we have a clear vision the circumstances become, well, circumstances.

The realization or manifestation of a vision is accomplished through people, we cannot create the reality of our vision without others. That does not mean that we are not responsible for every aspect of what we are creating, it simply means we, alone, cannot make our vision real. To cause our vision to come to life we must do certain things, and to do certain things we must first be those things. The things we must BE to DO what is necessary to HAVE our vision come to life are simple and they are not easy.

First, we are challenged to communicate our vision powerfully, through having a powerful vision. A powerful vision moves us forward, creates opportunities that did not exist, causes an industry to change, or inspires a cultural shift. Creating the vision for why you are doing what you are doing is the first step in embracing your own vision for the work that you do daily. Getting in touch with what that is will shift the reason you wake up and go to work. Finding the why for your project can shift every team member to view their work differently. Once you have articulated your why, it is time to BE your vision.

Commitment, staying with it, taking a stand for it, BEING your vision is what causes it to come alive. It takes perseverance, tenacity, and drive to continue to live your vision. It takes consistency in visualizing, in imagining, and in constantly being in relationship with your vision to make it real. It becomes real for you and those who are aligned and believe in your vision. When projects face challenges as they always do, it is believing in the possibility of success that keeps team members striving to continue moving forward. It is in believing that the work that is being done is important that there is a “never give up” attitude. Commitment to the vision is contagious. Vision, when powerful, draws commitment out and causes commitment to BE.

The other way of being that must occur for a vision to be manifested is consistency. There must be a pervasive consistency of attitude, behavior, actions, and words which permeates through the leader and the team. There is no room for decisions that are out of alignment with the vision, there is no room for actions, behaviors, or attitudes that do not align with the vision. There is no room for a lack of integrity in any aspect of being in alignment with vision. When anyone moves in a direction other than the direction the vision ASKS for, the team is out of integrity. Not one person, the entire team. Checking along the way is paramount, always be in relationship with what the vision is asking of the leader and the team and ensure alignment along the way. It is when the team is not aligned that breakdowns in communication, quality, and eventually schedule occur.

Vision is what carries the project through whatever circumstances occur during the project’s duration. This year, 2020, the year of the pandemic, has made that crystal clear. Vision has allowed me to continue to move forward toward what I am creating. Vision has allowed me to see the pandemic as a circumstance that exists rather than a barrier, a roadblock, or something that will prevent my vision from become real. Vision creates ease and flow. Its power is far greater than I had ever imagined. Being able to walk through this pandemic with vision leading the way has created an abundance of possibilities. Vision will carry a team through whatever circumstances arise in any project. Allowing vision to guide the way is the greatest tool a leader possesses.