I started this blog in hopes of putting into words the wonderful similarities between project management and motorcycling. I began venturing into the blogosphere by putting my thoughts to the test. Since I’m a little behind the blogging curve (the world of blogging has been around since about 1994) I found myself trying to get a better handle of what sites exist for project management, agile project management, lean project management, and software develop in general. As I expected, the world is full of blogs for this purpose, some are award winners and some are, well, not. Needless to say, finding a voice in this blogosphere is a bit interesting. I won’t bore you with the details of getting this up and running (there are many sites about starting a blog). I will continue to venture into the project management and motorcycling realm, discussing the correlations that exist. For those that ride I hope to provide a perspective that is meaningful and for you that haven’t ventured onto a motorcycle, it may prove interesting since I will use examples from the road, and I’d venture to say that would include most folks. To keep things interesting, I’ll be taking a look at some of the other blogs, articles and books and let you know what I find. Hope to see you on the road.
Ride On, Manage On
6 days ago
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